The IDOE’s release of the third STEM Acceleration Grant has educators in Indiana all abuzz! This particular grant can offer up to $100,000 to qualifying schools that want to improve STEM instruction, integrate STEM curriculum into their classrooms, and train teachers in strong problem/project/inquiry-based pedagogy. The application requirements for this round are rigorous. Meeting the Statement of Grant Assurances, having strong school leadership and community support, demonstrating a sustainable plan, and attending this fall’s STEM and CS Curriculum Showcase on October 21, 2019, are all absolutes to qualify. Once received, the requirements continue. Read more about the grant requirements here.
Let’s pause on the grant for a moment and just talk STEM. According to a recent article released by our friends at SamLabs:
“STEM jobs alone are growing exponentially. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that employment in computer occupations is projected to increase by 12.5% from 2014 to 2024. This is expected to result in nearly half a million new jobs. Yet another STEM career that is also growing quickly are web developers, growing at 12.8%. These numbers don’t include engineers, which is also projected to add thousands of new jobs every year over the next decade.”
Are you taking the proactive measures needed to ensure that YOUR students are prepared for this future job market?
![STEM Workshop](
In addition to the startling future employment statistics, consider Indiana’s STEM Strategic Plan, released in November 2018. This plan significantly pushes all Indiana schools to improve STEM instruction, utilize evidence-based STEM curriculum in classrooms, and foster early STEM career exposure during the course of the next six years. Are your schools taking the steps to grow and meet the requirements of this plan?
Five Star Technology Solutions is working with multiple school districts across the state to help them implement and accelerate STEM project/problem/inquiry-based pedagogy that not only meets the criteria set forth by the Indiana Department of Education but also results in awesome learning experiences beyond what can usually be achieved in a “regular” classroom setting.
We have many different offerings for school districts, depending on where they are in their process. Take a look at the following options that may help YOU work towards your STEM goal:
STEM Certification | Leadership Services
The STEM Certification process can take two to three years. We work with your leadership team to help manage the change and guide schools through the process. We cover topics such as best practices in classroom design (including site visits), evaluating and providing meaningful feedback on instruction, models of instructional support, and communicating initiatives to the community.
Google CS First Curriculum
CS First is a free computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. Our trainers can get your teachers set up and ready to go with their own students with a one-day workshop. An Advanced Level workshop is also available.
STEM Instruction Workshops
It is important to provide teachers with the information, tools, and strategies needed in order to ensure their instruction is pedagogy-based and built on STEM fundamentals. We have created a series of workshops designed to provide teachers the necessary tools to thrive in a STEM-based and project/problem/inquiry-based environment. All of our STEM Instruction Workshops are rich in student-led learning pedagogies, computer science, and robotics.
Our K-12 experts have created a series of workshops focused on eight essential skills needed to be successful in a STEM learning environment. Each workshop includes research-informed experiences that mirror the Buck Institute Gold Standard as well as a featured technology/STEM tool. From harnessing the power of collaboration to using technology to be a digital leader, these workshops ensure that each essential skill is modeled and valued.
In addition to the services listed above, we also offer additional workshops like Makey-Makey Educator Certification, Google’s CS First Subject Integration, K-12 STEM Kit Workshops, and more! We work with your schools to tailor-fit your needs.