School & District Surveys: Artificial Intelligence

AI Survey Dashboard
The AI Survey was adapted with resources from the California, Indiana,
Oregon, West Virginia, and US Departments of Education among others.*

Intended Audience(s)

Elementary Student
Secondary Student
Parent/ Guardian

Understand your teachers' current beliefs, perceptions, and implementations of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This information helps our school learn how to better support both the needs of educators and students.

Identify changes in opinions from each survey cycle, compare results among buildings and departments, and identify areas in need of the most attention.

We have developed custom survey dashboards for every survey to help schools monitor survey results on a variety of topics. With our Survey Dashboards, your team can easily:

Explore results by school, grade, gender, survey cycle, category, audiences, or question.

Compare the responses for any two questions to determine patterns.

Take data-informed action on areas in need of the most attention.

Monitor your stakeholders' collective progress on skills, practices, and attitudes between survey cycles.

View the number of participants who have taken the survey in real time.

California Department of Education. (2024). Learning With AI, Learning About AI: Information regarding the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in California K12 education.

Fakhar, H. (2024). Artificial Intelligence from Teachers’ Perspectives and Understanding: Moroccan Study. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 14(6), 856–864.

Indiana Department of Education. (2024). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance.

Klein, A. (2023, June 7). AI Literacy, Explained. Education Week.

Lin, X. F., Chen, L., Chan, K. K., Peng, S., Chen, X., Xie, S., Liu, J., & Hu, Q. (2022). Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Sustainable Artificial Intelligence: A Design Frame Perspective. Sustainability, 14(13), 7811.

The Metropolitan School District of Warren Township: Personalizing Learning by Redefining Where and When Students Learn - Office of Educational Technology. (2016, November 15). Office of Educational Technology.

Moura, A., & Carvalho, A. a. A. (2024). Teachers’ perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom. In Atlantis highlights in social sciences, education and humanities/Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (pp. 140–150).

Oregon Department of Education. (2023). Developing Policy and Protocols for the use of Generative AI in K-12 Classrooms.

US Department of Education. (2024). A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design, and Use Divides: 2024 National Educational Technology Plan.

US Department of Education. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations.

West Virginia Department of Education. (2024). Guidance, Considerations, & Intentions for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in West Virginia Schools.

How Can
Our Surveys Help You?

Fill out the form below to book a demo with us. Please select which Survey Dashboard(s) you are most interested in.