Making Connections

Five Star Technology Solutions

Every person’s set of life experiences are very different. Recognizing this in our daily interactions with kids can really go a long way in making us better teachers. One might […]

Producing the Future

Five Star Technology Solutions

Bees. Cows. Factories. What do all these things have in common? They make stuff. Bees make honey. Cows make milk. Factories make goods. All of these items are vital, and […]

Modeling by Example

Five Star Technology Solutions

How can we teach students to use technology in a responsible way?  The answer to that question is tricky. Digital citizenship has so many facets. Our kids need to have […]


Five Star Technology Solutions

When I was a kid, I used to fall asleep in the car every time my family took even a short trip. I’d settle in, close my eyes, and magically […]

Collaboration Is a Life Well Lived

Five Star Technology Solutions

This post is about collaboration, and as I explored many different angles to find an example or analogy that illustrates what it truly means, I realized something. Explaining collaboration doesn’t […]

STEM: It’s All About the HOW

Five Star Technology Solutions

As an educator, there are many different trends and words that seem to make the rounds through our world of education.  The same seems to be true of “STEM” which […]