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K-12 Teacher Evaluations

Align Teacher Practices with Student Learning Goals

It’s no secret that effective teachers lead to a more positive learning environment. So, how can your organization support your educators in the classroom?

It all begins with an easy-to-use system to help manage and maximize professional learning opportunities. 

An expansive library of rubrics for instructional and non-instructional staff

Our Rubrics

Features of the Staff Evaluations Tool

Custom Rubrics
Don’t see your rubric listed above? House all staff evaluations in one place for easy reporting. This includes rubrics for classified staff and ancillary staff.

Contact us to see how we can work together to create your custom rubric.

Progress Page
Find all of the information you need in one convenient location to help you maximize your efficiency and provide timely & effective feedback to your staff.

Document Upload
Upload documents or links and code them to your rubric for your evaluator to include in the observation process. District Admins can upload District level documents and share documents with specific staff members or groups of users. 

Trends Reporting
Drill down on district level, evaluator level, or individual staff members to discover areas for growth and facilitate targeted Professional Development opportunities. 

Professional Growth Plans
Teachers and administrators can develop professional growth plans aligned with specific evaluation rubric domain competencies. 

Student Learning Objectives
Keep measurable learning at the forefront by developing standards-based learning objectives for students.

Five Star Technology Solutions Earns Ed-Fi API Consumer Badge

Five Star Technology Solutions, is thrilled to announce that we have earned our Ed-Fi API Consumer Badge. This badge marks a significant step forward in our commitment to providing quality data analytics solutions for educational institutions.

Learn more here.

Why Teacher Evaluations?

From our past webinars

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