Make Data Analytics the Life of the Party

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text font_color=”#000000″] Make Data Analytics the Life of the Party I know what you’re thinking… “data analytics” and “life of the party” rarely are strung together in the same sentence. Although we all may recognize the value of data, most people don’t bubble with enthusiasm when the topic is raised in casual conversations. Aren’t convoluted […]

Leading with Compassion: Setting the Tone for 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text font_color=”#000000″] Leading with Compassion: Setting the Tone for 2021 It’s likely that when you hear the word contagious, especially after coming off of the year we just had, your first thought isn’t school culture.  But for anyone who has been a part of an uplifting team, or conversely, a toxic one, you know that […]