Collaboration Is a Life Well Lived

Five Star Technology Solutions

This post is about collaboration, and as I explored many different angles to find an example or analogy that illustrates what it truly means, I realized something. Explaining collaboration doesn’t […]

STEM: It’s All About the HOW

Five Star Technology Solutions

As an educator, there are many different trends and words that seem to make the rounds through our world of education.  The same seems to be true of “STEM” which […]

Becoming a Google Certified Educator

Five Star Technology Solutions

Guest contributor Amber Anania (@msanania) is a 7th grade language arts teacher at Westfield Middle School who recently became a Google Certified Educator Level 1. In this post, she shares […]

Taking Time this Summer is an Absolute NEED for Educators

Five Star Technology Solutions

Burn-out: fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity (, 2017) We have all been a victim of burn-out. While every individual regardless of age, intelligence, and […]

Reflections of a CEO

Five Star Technology Solutions

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I always envisioned starting an article about a personal experience in my life with those particular words. Five-Star […]

Saving Money While Spending Money

Five Star Technology Solutions

One way to upgrade your school network infrastructure is by tapping into the dollars available via the federal E-Rate program that is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). E-Rate provides […]

Mindset Shift: Gearing Up for Failure

Five Star Technology Solutions

While watching the Indy 500, I began wondering how the amazing drivers got their start. I imagine my two daughters each tucked inside the cockpit of the car revving the […]