Forget Learning Loss; Let’s Talk Gains

Forget Learning Loss; Let’s Talk Gains Written by Cheryl Adams Professional Development Specialist Five Star Technology Solutions Let’s stop dismissing what has happened in the past year and a half (and is still happening). COVID has affected us all whether we realize it or not. We cannot assume that everyone will be able to jump […]

Leading with Compassion: Setting the Tone for 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text font_color=”#000000″] Leading with Compassion: Setting the Tone for 2021 It’s likely that when you hear the word contagious, especially after coming off of the year we just had, your first thought isn’t school culture.  But for anyone who has been a part of an uplifting team, or conversely, a toxic one, you know that […]

Becoming a Google Certified Educator

Five Star Technology Solutions

Guest contributor Amber Anania (@msanania) is a 7th grade language arts teacher at Westfield Middle School who recently became a Google Certified Educator Level 1. In this post, she shares her experiences preparing for and taking the qualification exam. I jumped wholeheartedly onto the Google bandwagon when it arrived at my school a few years […]

A Technology Coach’s Biggest Mistake: Part One

Five Star Technology Solutions

Getting teachers to adopt new practices with technology isn’t easy, and (despite what many people think) it isn’t because of age or how savvy they are with the newest gadgets. It’s about buy-in. If a majority of the teachers with whom you are working have not decided that your goals are worthwhile, your efforts will fail. It’s […]

A Technology Coach’s Biggest Mistake: Part Two

Five Star Technology Solutions

As we said before, getting teachers to adopt new practices with technology isn’t easy. In our first installment, we provided some tips to keep you from making the mistake of ignoring teacher buy-in. In this final installment, we offer two more tips to help you avoid this common mistake. A Guide to Getting Your Teachers Onboard  Listen…no…REALLY listen. […]