Can the Tech Team Help Teachers?
The answer to the question in this post title may seem obvious: the tech team helps teachers by fixing their technology, right? Yes, that’s true, but I would like to look […]
Can the Tech Team Help the Tech Team?
“No one can whistle a symphony alone. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”-H.E. Luccock Effectively communicating with co-workers can sometimes be a challenge. Despite our best efforts, sometimes […]
Protect – Monitor – Teach: 3 Ways To Keep Your Students Safe Online!
As I’m sure you are aware, cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a priority for the Indiana Department of Education. In fact, technology directors are now being asked to evaluate their schools […]
When Student Struggles Are More Than Meets The Eye
As an educator, could you ever imagine requesting one of your students who wears prescription glasses to remove them during guided reading instruction? A more absurd scenario might be requiring […]
5 Things We Learned at ISTE19
ISTE19 in Philadelphia has come and gone, but our team is still engaged in invigorating conversations as we process and share the awesome learning that occurred at the conference! Here […]
Allworx Reach: An Office Phone In Your Pocket
Mobile Communication: From the Stone Age to the New Age I can remember my first experience with mobile phone technology. I was roughly 10 years old, and my father had […]
New Google CS First Workshops Available!
Over the last several months, Five-Star Technology Solutions has partnered with Google to lead workshops across the United States focused on empowering educators to take advantage of CS First, a free […]
Bandwidth 101: How Much Is Enough?
What is bandwidth? Bandwidth is a measure of the data flow over a given time period. It is measured in bits per second. For example, 1 Gigabit per second (Gbs) […]
Developing 21st Century Citizens
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Beginning in kindergarten, students are taught how to be good citizens. We teach them the importance of being honest, trustworthy, kind, respectful, responsible, and safe. Students read books, analyze […]
New STEM Workshops from Five Star
The IDOE’s release of the third STEM Acceleration Grant has educators in Indiana all abuzz! This particular grant can offer up to $100,000 to qualifying schools that want to improve […]