Early Warning System for Dropout Prevention: The ABC’s

Five Star Technology Solutions

Early Warning System for Dropout Prevention: The ABC’s For a number of years, we have heard that our nation has a dropout crisis. The ESSA requires that every state’s Title I plan must “include how they will support districts in meeting needs of students in middle grades to improve effective transitions to middle and high […]

Does Your School Need a Data Warehouse, a Data Dashboard, or Both?

Data Warehouse vs Data Dashboard - K-12 Data Analytics

Does Your School Need a Data Warehouse, a Data Dashboard, or Both? Written by Brad FischerSenior Director of Data AnalyticsFive Star Technology Solutions Schools are drowning in data. They collect data on everything from a student’s performance on the state assessment to what books they checked out from their library to what they had for […]

Surviving the Storm: What Can We Learn from ILEARN?

Surviving the Storm: What Can We Learn from ILEARN? - Five Star Technology Solutions - K12 EdTech

Surviving the Storm: What Can We Learn from ILEARN? Written by Brad Fischer Senior Director of Data Analytics Five Star Technology Solutions Last summer, school administrators and teachers prepared for a category 5 hurricane, named COVID-19, as it steadily approached their shores. Evacuating wasn’t an option. They had to hunker in place and reinforce, reinvent, […]

Are You at a Loss Confronting Learning Loss?

Are You at a Loss Confronting Learning Loss? Educators continue to do exceptional work during extraordinary times. As they begin to dream about life after a pandemic, they are acutely aware of the toll this last year has taken on them and their students. Whether students have been learning remotely in their busy homes or […]

Create a Movement with Data

Create a Movement with Data I find myself sitting at my desk way too often. So when a friend asked recently if anyone was interested in a combined team effort of walking more regularly, I thought group accountability might be exactly the motivation I needed. We quickly had thirty people committed to chipping away at […]

Make Data Analytics the Life of the Party

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text font_color=”#000000″] Make Data Analytics the Life of the Party I know what you’re thinking… “data analytics” and “life of the party” rarely are strung together in the same sentence. Although we all may recognize the value of data, most people don’t bubble with enthusiasm when the topic is raised in casual conversations. Aren’t convoluted […]

5 Reasons Your School Needs a Data Warehouse

Five Star Technology Solutions

What do you think of when you hear the word data? Do you envision numbers rapidly scrolling on a computer screen like in The Matrix? Or of spreadsheets with endless rows and columns filled with figures and formulas? Even worse, maybe the word is anxiety-inducing because you’ve heard the phrases data-driven instruction and data-driven decision-making a few too many times. What […]

Gut Feelings vs. Data-Driven Decisions

Five Star Technology Solutions

Do you ever make decisions based on “gut feeling”? Can you tell within minutes of meeting someone whether you like them or you don’t?  Are you a teacher who can tell within the first week which of your students will graduate first in class, last in class, or not at all?   Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Blink, talks about […]