3 Ways to Increase Your Cybersecurity Posture
3 Ways to Increase Your Cybersecurity Posture Every day, it seems there is another headline about a high-profile data breach, ransomware attack, or some other cyber-related incident. More often than not, bad actors are looking for two things: money and data. Whereas no one is 100% protected from attackers, there are three ways you can […]
Is It Time for a Google Settings Health Check?
Is It Time for a Google Settings Health Check? Just over a year ago, I took the leap. I bought a smartwatch. Why? Well, they look pretty cool, right? I liked getting notifications on my wrist without pulling out my phone. To be honest, the biggest reason was my health. I wanted baseline data on […]
Putting Time In Where It Counts: Active Directory and PowerShell
The Problem: Time Management Time management is a problem many IT departments face; often there is just not enough time to complete all the requests in the time they need to be completed by. This is especially true between the times of student registration and the first student day of school. The IT staff is […]
Device Collection: Not for the Faint of Heart
Our techs and schools work tirelessly at the end of the year to ensure that device collection goes smoothly. Though they expect the occasional problem, they don’t always anticipate some of the conversations they have with their students and staff. In honor of the end of the year, we offer you the top ten comments […]
5 Reasons Your School Needs a Data Warehouse
What do you think of when you hear the word data? Do you envision numbers rapidly scrolling on a computer screen like in The Matrix? Or of spreadsheets with endless rows and columns filled with figures and formulas? Even worse, maybe the word is anxiety-inducing because you’ve heard the phrases data-driven instruction and data-driven decision-making a few too many times. What […]
Choosing the Best Phone System for Your District
Choosing a phone system that fits the needs of your district can be tough. How do you know which phone system will work best for your staff, make day-to-day tasks easier, and still be cost-effective? Take a look at our checklist to see which of our phone systems works best for your district. Affordability – Are you paying a monthly […]
Five-Star + Google = Awesome Learning!
Five-Star Technology Solutions is proud to announce that we are now a Midwestern-based Google Partner! The year-long process involved observations, case studies to demonstrate our ability to help schools succeed with Google Tools, and the certification of our staff members. We strongly believe this partnership will allow us to help school districts across the Midwest […]
Can Teachers Help the Tech Team?
Yes! Effective communication is the key that helps you deepen your connections to others and improve teamwork, decision making, and problem-solving. It enables you to communicate even negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust. When you hear the word ‘key’ several words may come to mind; lock, unlock, guard, protect. Communication has […]
Can the Tech Team Help Teachers?
The answer to the question in this post title may seem obvious: the tech team helps teachers by fixing their technology, right? Yes, that’s true, but I would like to look at ways we can go beyond basic fixes. How can we make the process of repairing technology more efficient? Less painful? The key to making […]
Can the Tech Team Help the Tech Team?
“No one can whistle a symphony alone. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”-H.E. Luccock Effectively communicating with co-workers can sometimes be a challenge. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we say one thing, but others hear something different based on our tone, facial expression, or body language. When you are a technician, face-to-face communication […]